9th International congress of Fez on History of Médicine: Endowments and health care in the Moroccan experience and comparative experiences
24-25 November 2021 | The endowment system in ancient and modern Muslim history constituted the best expression of the spirit of solidarity, interdependence, and compassion that should dominate the relationship of believers among themselves. The results of this appeared in various types and types of banks that financed entirely from the endowment or contributed to its financing, until it absorbed the endowment banks. All the needs of society, and it has become a prominent landmark, and a wonderful manifestation of the greatness of this system.
Today, the endowment has become an urgent and urgent need, if not a realistic necessity, in view of the globalization of the values of the market economy resulting from the inflation of selfishness, the dominance of individualism, and the dominance of the culture of consumption and material investment in search of worldly profit. This is at the expense of the culture of donation and justification that stems from concern for others, a sense of the necessities of coexistence, and fulfillment of the requirements of belonging to society. This situation has been exacerbated by the types of pandemics and crises that have become a prominent feature of our contemporary reality.
Although the various Islamic countries have known the endowment and have benefited from its contributions to varying degrees, just as non-Islamic countries have benefited from it with almost the same content, albeit under other names, the Moroccan experience has been characterized by the endowment assuming an important place in the daily life of Moroccans in its various aspects, to the point that it has become a part Inseparable from this life.
Today, and in light of the urgent need demonstrated by the Corona pandemic to mobilize various possible financial resources in order to respond to the urgent demands for medical services and cover the increasing health needs, the Endowment is called upon more than ever before to contribute abundantly to meeting these requests and covering these needs, and that By benefiting from what has accumulated throughout history, by sharpening enthusiasm, stimulating energies, and encouraging good wills to carry out what is entrusted to them, in order to draw closer to God Almighty, first, and to ensure the sustainability of giving, second.
In this regard, the Heritage Committee of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Fez, Kingdom of Morocco, chose to be the ninth edition of the international conference that it has been organizing annually on the history of medicine. This year, it will be titled: “Health Endowments with the Moroccan Experience and Comparative Experiments,” on November 24 and 25, 2021.
A group of scholars and thinkers from inside and outside Morocco, who have shown their superiority in this field, will lecture at this conference, so that experiences can be exchanged and ideas can be cross-pollinated in order to arrive at the best solutions and the best suggestions, which we have no doubt – with God Almighty’s permission – will resonate with officials. About endowments in various countries, in order to translate them into reality.

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